Registration — Conference Delegate

Registration for conference delegates will open up in September / October 2025.

Ticket categories
Early Bird (until 30.06.)
Standard (until 18.09.)
Late or Onsite (19.09.-29.09.)
Full Congress Ticket
1-Day Congress Ticket
1-Day Exhibition Ticket Thursday*
1-Day Exhibition Ticket Friday**

*Including access exhibition, access Innovation Workshop 1, Lunch & Coffee breaks

**Including access exhibition, access Innovation Workshop 2, Lunch & Coffee breaks

*** All prices above are excluding VAT (21%) ***

Type of tickets

Full Congress Ticket includes entry on all days to:
Opening gathering togehter and exhibition (Wednesday evening)
Exhibition and all conferences (Wednesday to Friday)
Lunch and coffee breaks

1-Day Congress Ticket for Thursday September 28, 2023 includes entry on:
Opening gathering togehter and exhibition (Wednesday evening)
Exhibition and conference (Thursday)
Lunch and coffee break

1-Day Congress Ticket for Friday September 29, 2023 includes entry on:
Opening gathering togehter and exhibition (Wednesday evening)
Exhibition and conference (Friday)
Lunch and coffee break

Entree to Gala-Dinner includes:
Welcome drink and snacks
3-course menu
Wine, beer, soft drink during dinner
Coffee or tea


3 Workshops:

  • Innovation Workshop 1 (Thursday 11am to 5:30pm)
  • Innovation Workshop 2 (Friday 9am to 12:30pm)
  • European Paver Days (Thursday 4pm to 5:30pm)
  • European Paver Days (Friday 9pm to 12:30pm)

Voucher Code for rooms at Hotel Okura Amsterdam (limited to 50 rooms): BIBM2023

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your arrival date and departure date
  3. Enter the amount of rooms and the amount of people
  4. Add group code BIBM2023
  5. Click on Show Availability
Social Events
Early Bird (until 30.06.)
Standard (until 29.09.)
Gala Dinner
Sightseeing Tour Amsterdam
Diamond Tour
Origami Workshop

*** All prices above are excluding VAT (9% / 21%) ***

Cancellation & Changes

Cancellation requests can be sent to You can find the link to your personal account in your confirmation e-mail. No refund will be made for the administration fee or additional costs caused by different payment methods.

Cancellations / refund of congress delegate registrations:

Full refund for Full Congress Tickets, 1-Day Tickets and 1-Day-Exhibition Tickets can be demanded until August 2, 2023.

After this date your registration may be cancelled against payment of a processing fee of 50,00% of the ticket price (plus VAT) in between August 3 and August 30, 2023.

The full admission fee for Full Congress Tickets, 1-Day Tickets and 1-Day-Exhibition Tickets shall be due upon cancellation on and after August 31, 2023 as well as in the case of absence.

Change of delegate or day/ ticket downgrades / ticket upgrades:

A change of the delegate attending or the day delegates would like to attend can be made against the payment of a processing fee of 5,00 % of the ticket price (plus VAT).
In case of a downgrade (the reduction of your registration (either from Full Congress Ticket to 1-Day- Ticket or from Full Congress Ticket to 1-Day-Exhibition Ticket or from 1-Day-Ticket to 1-Day-Exhibition Ticket) the mentioned standard cancellation terms and deadlines for tickets will apply.

For ticket upgrades after having paid for one of the categories, please get in contact with us:

Cancellations / refund of social events (including accompanying guest program):

At BIBM Congress 2023, following additional items can be purchased

  • Gala Dinner
  • Sightseeing Tours
  • Diamond Tours
  • Origami Workshop

For all mentioned items, the mentioned standard cancellation terms and deadlines for tickets and the mentioned standard terms and conditions for change of delegates will apply.

Please note: This also refers to changes of the dates delegates would like to attend Sightseeing Tours and Diamond Tours Sep 28/ 29/ 30).

Become Exhibitor

Contact Exhibition:

Adrian Meindl,
Project Manager Exhibition

Congress Tickets

Contact Congress:

Andrea Greiner,
Project Manager Congress


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Logo BFT International
Logo BetonTage, Concrete Solutions